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Promote Immature Plants

By Joey Espinoza @joey
    2025-02-25 21:47:06.750Z

    I often have multiple strains in the same location/room. When I promote them from batches to flowering plants I usually have to select strain by strain in T3 in order to document what the tag range will be.

    Obviously I could select multiple strains in T3 but I am unable to see what tags are for which strains (could download csv etc). If T3 was able to provide a quick summary in the interface it would be nice and help me promote multiple strains at once.

    • 1 replies
    1. M
      Matt Frisbie @mattfriz
        2025-02-25 21:53:48.792Z

        That's a good idea, probably could use a little one line summary for all the checkbox pickers. Will implement in next release.

        1. Progress
          with doing this idea
        2. M@mattfriz marked this topic as Planned 2025-02-25 21:54:12.051Z.