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Auto-click checkboxes for "restore harvest"

By Matt Frisbie @mattfriz
    2022-12-12 20:05:52.979Z

    Instructions for restoring harvests:

    Step 1: Get to this view, showing all the plant checkboxes:

    Step 2: Open Chrome developer tools

    Right click the page, select "Inspect", and then click the "Console" tab at the top

    You will see this:

    Step 3: Paste the following code in there to autocheck all the checkboxes:

    [...document.querySelectorAll('#restoreplants-harvest_form input[type="checkbox"]')].map(input =>

    Step 4: Hit enter to run the code. Done!

    • 1 replies
    1. M
      Matt Frisbie @mattfriz
        2023-01-17 14:58:30.908Z

        This is now implemented as a quick script: